A ‘Boys and their Toys’ day is held on the 8th of June at Shalom Montana, 560 Third Ave, Montana, between 09:00-14:00.
With guest speaker ex-Springbok rugby star, Jannes Labuschagne. There will be a wide variety of exhibitions on the campus, displaying men’s interests like hunting equipment, outdoor / camping, caravans, off-road vehicles, various cars display, dogs & training, golfing equipment, fishing equipment and Harley bikes, with a number of food stalls to choose from.
For more information regarding the event, please contact Pastor Eddie Warren – 0814279448
You are welcome to join us!
Date: 08/06/2024Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Shalom Montana, 560 Third Ave, Montana,560 3rd Ave